January Has Been Busy

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

At the beginning of January my little brother got married! It was such a happy, happy day. I love seeing Jace so happy, and it doesn't hurt that the girl he married is awesome. Seriously, I couldn't be happier to have Bella as my new sister-in-law. 

A few days after the wedding the twins and I hopped in the car with my parents for a Pacific Northwest getaway. I loved growing up in Spokane, WA and it's always good to go back. I don't know if I'll ever live in Washington again, but it will always hold a special place in my heart. Russ was able to come up for about a week as well. We ended the trip with a short stint in Seattle. These twins of ours are now pretty well traveled for being a measly 3 months, but dang, Russ and I were humbled big-time in Seattle. Two screaming babies in a foreign city is no fun. Needless to say, a lot of Saturday night was spent in the hotel. Sigh. Sunday we went to Bellevue and gorgeous Lake Washington where Russ's dad grew up. It was the perfect end to my two-week stay in Washington. 

* I also got to spend some time with Rachel, who is one of those friends - you know, the kind you've known forever and makes your heart feel so good to see again? Every time we see each other (which sadly is every few years), it's like we pick up where we left off. Love you, Rach!

** And now I am done with travelogues for a while. You're welcome.

1 comment:

Rachel and Jason said...

Oh, Camille! I'm grateful to be one of "those" friends. Thanks for the shout-out. Love you, too. Next time let's reminisce in Chicago, eh? And props to Russ and the cool picture angle!