Modern Piggy

Monday, December 14, 2015

It's been a long time coming, but I finally opened a bow shop! None of this would have been possible, of course, without my business partner, Becky. Ever since I found out I was having a girl I started making bows. Bows, bows, bows. For the last 2 years I have spent hours upon hours in our loft making bows for Clara, friends, family members. People would tell me I should sell them, and I would get soooooo close to doing so, then back out for some reason or another. 
Fast forward to middle of November when my friend Becky invited our family over for dinner. Somehow the bow shop topic came up, and she told me she also had been planning on opening a bow shop before the holidays. We had literally been planning the same shop. Becky had done the parts I hadn't got to (ie: website, shop name, shipping, margins, etc.) and I had been working on what she hadn't done (ie: photography, making the bows, supplies, etc.). It was a partnership from my dreams!

We hustled and got our shop open on Cyber Monday. We have been open for 2 weeks as of today and it has been so fun. A lot of work, but so fun. It is such a rewarding feeling finally getting some of these designs and styles out after working on them for so long. 

If you are needing some bows for your girls, head on over to I've been blown away by the support we've received. I have the best family and friends! 

Entryway Updates

Well hello blogosphere! I don't know if anyone still reads this little ol' blog anymore but I wanted to document some home updates. I've loved being able to watch how my own style and home decor evolves and matures. Recently it's been my main floor. I got on a crazy kick one night and took down all the pictures on the wall, taped the baseboards and painted everything the next day.

Then I framed the windows.

Then I finally bought a few things that I had been eyeing for a while. I will post more photos as I take them. For today it's the entryway.

It's amazing how a few items can make you so happy. The mirror and the planter are two of those things that just bring me joy.

I think a beautiful runner would just complete the scene. I have my eyes peeled. Go HERE for a flashback to how it looked a few years ago.

mirror - watch for sales!
throw - Target from a few years ago
Wall color - Benjamin Moore Edgecomb grey, 50% strength