
Sunday, October 18, 2015

We made it 2 years! Hooray!! Can I go and take a nap now? 

For real, these have been 2 very long years. A lot of people say "I can't believe they are already 2!" and I kind of think in my head "are they ONLY 2?" This isn't saying we haven't enjoyed the last two years, they have just been very, very exhausting. These little crazies keep us on our toes pretty much every minute of every day. To any twin mom out there who may be reading this (well let's be honest, if ANYONE reads this blog anymore), I would like to say it gets better.... so so so much better. I enjoy Max and Clara more and more each day. I love seeing their personalities flourish and their little minds learn new things. I love watching them discover the world around them. Most of all, I love being their mom! 

Max is such a sweet and loving boy. He is so gentle and such a kind soul. Sometimes we try to encourage him to fight back with Clara... "Max! Take back what is yours!" We have been working with a speech therapist and his talking is getting a lot better - most of all he tries. His sleeping has improved a lot from last year when he and I would have some epic battles around nap and bedtime. I would say overall he is still my "harder" of the two. He just needs a lot more attention, especially in public places. He really, really likes to be around me all day and still doesn't go off and play on his own, even when we are at home. I know this is a phase and that eventually I will be desperately wanting him to stop running away so fast. I try to remember this in those frustrating moments when all he wants is for me to hold him. He loves cars, trains, his teddy bear, pizza, slides, riding his tricycle on the back patio, rocks and holding my hand as we walk on the trail. He also loves his daddy and usually prefers for Russ to put him to bed. Despite this recent preference, he will always be my little boy, and I love him so much. 

Clara has been so, so so much fun lately. Her communication has really picked up and it's so fun hearing the new words she will learn each day. She sings little songs all day long and loves to have fun dance parties (favorite song is Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars). She obviously loves Minions and the movie Cars. She is a little bully, and continues to boss her little brother around (as mentioned above). She seems to think she has the upper hand in their relationship, which has been since their creation while she was dancing on his head the full 9 months in my belly. I wonder if it will always be this way. Clara is still the best sleeper around, and I am so grateful for that! She loves helping around the house by "folding laundry," being in the garden, raking leaves, etc. It's so cute to see her mimic us in our daily tasks. She still loves her bottle and binkie... which we will need to work on soon. She loves her stuffed animals, puzzles, and her new play kitchen. She's kind of on a mommy kick right now, which I really don't mind. I love that she loves me! We are completely in love with our sweet, sassy, curly-headed girl!

And now on to a new phase of having two 2-year-olds! Prayers on our behalf will be greatly appreciated. :)

Our Minions are Turning 2!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tomorrow is Max and Clara's 2nd birthday. 


So many emotions are going through my head right now! But that is for another post on another day. We had their birthday party last weekend, and it was so fun! They are obsessed with minions, so of course we had to go the minion route. Why try some cute little theme when minions are what bring the biggest smile to their faces right now!?

I found the coolest minion party accessory ever. Have you ever heard of airwalker balloons? They are about 43" tall and have weighted feet so they kind of just waddle around. This picture below is when they first saw the balloon. Clara was THRILLED, Max was super wary. 

I mean, look at this thing! haha!

I pushed my baking skills to the limit and made a minion cake using this tutorial. It's one of those things where you don't want to look too close, but I think it turned out really well!

Clara would NOT let go of their new minions... they went on the swing, the slide, everywhere! 

Max was kind of fussy. Sigh. I guess you can't get everything to go smoothly. He did perk up once the presents showed up :) This is his Dr. Evil pose. 

Side note: Russ dressed as a "minion" by wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants. No one noticed. Ha ha ha!

 Clara was so cute the whole night, especially with presents. She was so excited with every new item! One of her favorites was this new "potty" and all of her new friends that can go to the bathroom on it!

It was such a fun time celebrating our two little miracles. I'm so grateful to be their mother!