My Little Hedgehogs

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I know this blog has been a little a lot twin-heavy, but hey, that's kind of my life these days! I love when I can match Max and Clara - it's hard to find exactly matching sets for boy and girl! These little hedgehog shirts were calling our names, especially since we have a little stuffed hedgehog that is well-loved. His name is Hedgey, obviously. 

We were on a walk at the pond in our neighborhood. I love where we live!

I kinda like these happy hedgehogs, in case you can't tell. :)

Birthdays, Tubes, Snow, and of course... Fun!

This is kind of just a summary of life lately, and obviously a lot of pictures of my two favorite little people. 

I turned 29! Russ did an awesome job of bringing in the last year of my 20's and made me special and loved. We kept it pretty low key with lunch, Museum of Curiosity (gotta keep the little ones happy!), dinner with my family and a fun drive-in movie with Jace and Bella. 

Mr. Max got ear tubes last week. It's something I wish we would have done 6 months ago, but hindsight is always 20/20. After recurrent ear infections that wouldn't go away with standard antibiotics (rocephin shot anyone?), we ventured to the ENT where he failed his hearing tests due to all of the fluid in his ear canals. Poor boy. This helps explain his unsteadiness with walking and delayed speech. He's had the tubes for a week and he's already a new baby - his walking has taken off and he has been so much more vocal! I can only imagine what a game changer it is to no longer feel like you are under water.  

Spring in Utah is the most bipolar time of year. One particular week we went from 75 and sunny, to a windstorm with 80 mph winds, to 6 inches of snow. We tried to make the most of it with some snow time. Clara loved the snow, Max is still on the fence. 

I love, love, love Clara's curly hair. But with curls comes CRAZY bedhead (from nighttime and naps). This isn't even that bad.

I love to catch moments when Max and Clara play well together, because honestly it's kind of rare. They are at the age when all they do is steal toys and bite each other. It makes for some long days, but I just keep hoping eventually they will grow out of it and become the best of friends. :) 

... and finally, our April fools picture. I still chuckle every time I see it. I've never been a big "prankster," but an April fools of this nature is right up my ally. Max is going to kill me for this someday.


Happy Easters!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

It's true what they say - kids make holidays so much more fun! I was excited to get the twins a few new goodies and toys. The looks on their faces were priceless and everything I was hoping for! The tunnel has been the biggest hit. 

Russ is pretty excited about the tunnel as well :)

We also had a fun easter egg bath session!

My mom hosted a fun Easter dinner and Easter egg hunt. I wasn't sure how the "hunt" would go with two 18 month olds, but they sure were excited about the idea of finding candy in these plastic goldmines! Clara got really into finding eggs, while Max decided to work smarter and not harder by staying in place and letting the eggs come to him! Haha! He sure is a quirky, funny boy and I love him so much.

He's walking! This is a REALLY big deal. It's still not 100%, but every time I see him walk and not shuffle on his knees my heart is so happy.

Eating candy like it's her job. "WHY have you been depriving me of this goodness?!"

Grandpa Brent has a thing for dirt bikes. Max can't wait till he can take one for a ride!

The night ended with a special visit from the Easter Bunny (aka Aunt Natty). Seriously, these babes are super lucky to have such an awesome Aunt. Clara loved it, Max was indifferent. :)

Happy Easter everyone. In all seriousness, the baskets and bunnies are nothing compare to the real reason for the holiday - celebrating our Savior and the miracle of the resurrection. I am so grateful for Him. This video is one of my favorites. Watch if you would like.

It's Only Up From Here!

This post is not meant for "pity," more for documentation of one of the craziest/hardest months our little family has had. I am so grateful for good health, because the times when we don't have good health sure are hard. Max and Clara had little colds for about two weeks. During this time we actually suspected Max had an ear infection, but it wasn't easily detectable due to too much fluid. Then Clara started getting a really high fever one Saturday night. By Sunday morning she had a fever of 105, blue lips and was shaking. We rushed her to Urgent Care. After running a few tests they sent us home and told us to watch her fever. By Monday afternoon she was inconsolably screaming for hours at a time. At that point I was seriously concerned and my mom-tuition told me to go to the ER. We spent 5 hours there, and ran just about every test possibly - including a CAT scan. That may have been one of my least favorite moments. She was sedated, but still awake, and I hated seeing her look so checked out. The doctor's finally found pneumonia after the CAT scan. Two days later her blood tests also revealed a blood infection. After a follow up interview they also noticed her ears were healing from a double ear infection. Oh, and 4 teeth were coming in. POOR CLARA!

Meanwhile Max was getting fussier and fussier and I was nervous he also had pneumonia since they share just about everything. We went to the doctor, where to no surprise he also had a double ear infection. After 6 days of antibiotics his ears were still draining. We went BACK to the doctor and he needed a rocephin shot since the oral antibiotics were not working - so this meant going to the doctor three days in a row for three separate shots. Fun times.

7 doctor/urgent care/ER visits in the span of 10 days. 

In addition, both Russ and I did not remain unscathed. Sickness all around. On top of that Russ has had a new job position (which we are super grateful for) but has led to a lot of extra work hours, stress and all that jazz.

And that is all for now. We've had a rough 3-4 weeks, but luckily, there really is no where to go but up! :)

I am so grateful for my little family and doctors and medicine. They are my whole world, and seeing them get so sick makes my heart break. 

We have an appointment with an ENT to start the process of getting tubes for Max, so hopefully he will be much more comfortable! He is such a sweet boy. I love him so.

... and luckily this little girl of mine is back to her happy self. That smile melts me!