It's over. It's finally over.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

This is how we're feeling right now. We are both jumping for joy (literally and figuratively) that this weekend has come. Before I go any further can I please talk about how funny this picture is? First of all, how freaky does my leg look? I didn't know I could/should bend like that? Is that normal? Also, Russ's face is very, very animated... almost creepy. Everything about it just kind of cracks me up.

Ok, moving on. Why are we jumping for joy? Let me tell you. This is the first Sunday where it isn't the "night before Russ leaves." Russ has been traveling with work for almost 3 months. Think back to New Years Day... yep, that's how long it's been. He spent 2 months working at Dell in North Austin, 2 weeks in Denver, and this last week he was in Dallas. He'd leave Monday mornings and come home Friday nights. This is one aspect of our lives that I haven't revealed to the world wide web, for obvious reasons. I have literally been living alone for nearly 3 months.

Luckily I have a job that keeps me busy during the day, but the nights have been rough. I hang out alone, come home to an empty house, go to bed alone, and wake up alone. I can honestly say this has been the hardest and loneliest 3 months of my life, and I am so, so, so glad it's over. I'm not usually that dramatic of a person, but even I knew it was bad when I would randomly cry on the way to work, sitting at work, or at home. Geez, just writing that sounds dramatic, but it's true. It has tested me in ways I didn't think possible -- it has tested my optimism, patience, our marriage, our communication, and more. It has also proven that I would be terrible in any long-distance relationship. It's been hard on both of us. For Russ, he has been on the road, living in hotel rooms and eating out for almost every meal (which gets old fast). I, on the other hand, have been living alone in a city with no husband or family. Yes, I have friends (and amazing ones at that), but they have husbands and families of their own that I didn't want to impose on.

But it's over. For now.

I'm sorry for airing out my dirty laundry, but it's my blog and writing this kind of stuff down every once and a while is therapeutic. Isn't it funny how you can look at someone's life (via blogs/facebook/etc.) and think their life is peachy-keen, only to find out they have been fighting the biggest battle up to that point in their life? Yep, that's been this here blog as of late.

Thanks for being there for me, my friends. You know who you are.


B said...


Megan said...

Wow. I didn't realize he was gone that often lately... I am impressed you survived. I left Sean for 4 days for work and I cried when I saw him...3 months would have killed me!

Natalie said...

wahoo for that being over! Also, how did your leg manage to do that? And Russell's face in that picture is hilarious/creepy. Actually just straight up creepy.

Becky Foster said...

YAY!!!!! And I'm a bad friend for not having you over...Geez. Well I'm so happy for you two love birds!

rach said...

You're a trooper...both of you!

Side note: your backyard looks cute and quaint.

Unknown said...

hahahaha! russ is creepy and awesome! i love it. love you more. you are right your leg looks twisted and broken. you look like angela in this picture.

Becca said...

eesh. i can't even imagine doing that. i hope i never have to.

Unknown said...

It's over! Yay! I am so excited for ya'll for sooo many reasons :). And that is a fantastic leg pose.

Sara said...

ouch. I would hate that sooooo much! Glad it's over, and hopefully over for good? You are awesome to make it through!

Andi Fitz said...

I'm so glad it's over for you! What a cute picture of you guys at the top despite your freakily bent leg. It shows how excited you guys are. You are such a cute girl. I love your blog. We need to hang out more!

P.S. In 26 days You can post another picture like that for tax season being over! It's almost here!