
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

So a good 2 1/2 months ago, Russ and I were able to return to one of our very favorite places... sans twins! Kauai was lovely and relaxing and wonderful. We went with my sister, Brittney, and her husband. Seeing as Utah has been mighty chilly lately, these pictures are making me want to go back ASAP!

We hiked the Na Pali Coast, and pictures do not do it justice! We came upon some pretty heavy rain on this hike, but it made for even greater adventure! :)

I mean...

This was our destination on the Na Pali Coast hike! We swam out to the waterfall and played under it. Definitely something you don't get to do everyday! 

Kilauea Lighthouse

Stu caught a wave! Russ is somewhere in that mess. It was very high surf, as you can see. 

Ziplining through the trees! Such a rush!

The waves were crashing so hard at Queen's Bath. Absolutely amazing!

Rope swinging into a magical pool!

The last sunset on the last night. 

Until we meet again Kauai!

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