This is Life Now, and I Love It

Thursday, October 31, 2013

My mom has been here for a while to help out with this major life adjustment we call having twins. Oh, I have been so grateful for the help. I'm not sure how we would be surviving without it. Anyway, yesterday she was gone for most of the day running errands. As she left I gave myself a pep talk thinking "OK Camille, you got this!" It was a great trial run for what it will be like without stay-in help. Let's just say it was interesting. :)

It was mid-afternoon and at that point I had successfully fed/burped each baby twice, bathed both of them (with lots of screaming.. from the babies of course), been pee'd and pooped on (that's a right of passage, right?), changed lots of diapers, and then swaddled both little babies. A miracle happened and they were both out smack dab in the middle of the floor. I was so exhausted! I felt like I had run a marathon. But then I chuckled at this image and thought "this is life now!" But I love it. It's amazing.

I grabbed my camera and tried to capture this moment of my two sleeping burritos in the middle of the nursery. I wanted to document every detail of their sleeping faces. Max and Clara are just over two weeks now and I am wanting time to stop. I cherish the cuddles and faint smiles. I have been told that every stage is so fun, but I am trying to revel in this fleeting newborn stage.

So yes, my "trial run" yesterday was a bit crazy and hectic, but I am just so grateful that this is my new life. I sure do love it.


Becky Foster said... they are beautiful!! I just can't even comprehend how exhausted you must feel having two!! I just hope that you'll be able to sleep, and that you'll heal up speedy from your birth (forceps are not fun, and to have it done twice...oh you poor thing...)!! I'm so happy for you guys though and wish you the very best in this new journey! They're perfect!

Rachel and Jason said...


Megan Barrick said...

This is precious! What a perfect little family. You are one amazing gal, that's for sure!

Unknown said...

I cried.

Brianne said...

So so so adorable. I love your burritos!!!! How cute. I love their room too & I love you.