One Year Older... and Wiser?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Yesterday was my birthday! It was a great day. Thank you to all of my family and friends who helped me feel so very loved. I truly, truly appreciate all of the thoughtful gifts, phone calls, texts, visits, and yes, even the Facebook posts. There's nothing like Facebook to make you feel like a million bucks on your birthday, right? :)

Anyway, we did most of our celebrating last weekend with my family and a few friends at one of our favorite Thai restaurants. My actual birthday included a yummy lunch with my dear friend, dusting off the ol' golf clubs at the driving range, and dinner with Russ at the Cheesecake Factory. It was just what I wanted. Low-key and surrounded by those I love.

So yes, I'm one year older and have now entered my "late twenties" (eek!). But the wiser part? That is still up for negotiation. :) Here are some glimpses from the day. Thanks again everyone!

 From left to right:
A surprise (and amazing) gift on my porch from my dear friend Megan
Birthday balloons from my in-laws
A new purse from my sister. She has awesome taste.
Tom Flats!
A Nathan Hydration Belt to save me during my long runs
A heavenly candle and stationary, two things a girl can never have too much of :)


Andi Fitz said...

Glad you had a good birthday Camille! I went to the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday too! I like your running belt! I have the same one except i think mine is like 7 years old now. Any fun races coming up for you?

Marcella said...

Love the pictures!!! LOOKS LIKE A WONDERFUL BIRtHDAY! YAY! Well the celebration keeps going! :) Have fun and hope to see ya soon!