I Will Run to You

Friday, April 20, 2012

I know this video has already been around for a few weeks, but I still can't get it out of my head! I've watched it way too many times. I just think it's super sweet, romantic even, and such a creative commercial. 

Additional reasons why I love this commercial:
  • I am a Nike addict. It's true. I just love their clothes and shoes. They make good stuff.
  • It's about running! Yay!
  • I want her running outfit
  • It encourages me to keep running longer (I mean, come on, she runs across the country! ;). I have a half marathon in a few weeks so I've been racking up the miles to prepare. True to form, the long runs I've been on lately inevitably kicked my butt. At least I'm out there, right? right?
  • She can run and sing at the same time! And still look pretty!

P.S. The blog got a bit of a face-lift earlier this week! It's about time!


B said...

Cute! I like the new blog too.

Andi Fitz said...

I hadn't seen that. It was way cute. Thanks for sharing. What half are you doing?