May 2010: Getting Ready

Friday, February 5, 2010

You guessed it. We're goin' global!


The tickets were officially purchased a few weeks ago, and they are most definitely non-refundable (the obvious cheaper way to go), therefore we are locked into a European adventure from May 19 - June 1.

Exact details are not set in stone, but for now our rough itinerary is:
Bath / Stonehenge
Marseilles / Coast of France
Islands off of Spain

What will make this even better is the company:
Brittney and Stu (my sister and brother-in-law)
Caitlin and Robbie (Stuart's sister and her husband)
(Sorry Cait... I totally stole this from your blog...)
And one other couple (Chelsea and Rusty) who we do not yet know, but will become friends with and I'm sure will make it that much more exciting!

And now my friends, as tax season starts getting busier and busier, I will refer back to this post often to remind me why exactly I am preparing other people's taxes alllllll day long. 

Oh yeah, adventure. Bring it on.


Reeve family said...

What a fun trip you guys have planned! We would love to go there someday! We went to Germany a few summers ago and it was an amazing. Let the count down begin!

Caitlin said...

ohhhhh yeah baby!!!! Bring it on!! I am so excited!!!!!

Marcella said...

WOW! Glad you guys got the tickets! It's official! How exciting. What a FUN adventure.

Amanda Jones said...

ohh.. I'm so jealous but I am so excited for you. You will defiantly deserve that break after busy work season.

Sheri Bird said...

What a dream vacation. Have the time of your life!

Kimberly said...

So FUN Camille!! Pretty sure I'll be around Spain this summer, we'll have to see if our trips overlap!

Kimberly said...

So FUN Camille!! Pretty sure I'll be around Spain this summer, we'll have to see if our trips overlap!

Kimberly said...

So FUN Camille!! Pretty sure I'll be around Spain this summer, we'll have to see if our trips overlap!

g.lock said...

We are SOOOO jealous!!!! Have so much fun, holy cow!

Elyse & Andrew

Unknown said...

Oh baby! Can we come!? Ha! Have fun! Are any of those places new for you?