A Wicked Date

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Russ told me we were just going to spend the night "in" for Valentine's with a homemade meal and a movie from Netflix. Well, silly me, Russ always has something up his sleeve. At the end of the night he pulled out a poem he had written with a few other goodies...

I had sent Russ a not so subtle hint a while ago with some earrings from this shop that I had been eyeing. He then actually went shopping and found a dress that matched the earrings, a cute trench to wear for the cooler evening, and with some help from his sister, some shoes that tied it all together. I was FLOORED. The best part? He had a secret date planned for this Saturday to wear my new outfit to. Let's just say, it was a pretty "wicked date."

First we met our friends Scott and Andrea at La Focaccia, a really great Italian place downtown. Believe me, the wheels were spinning at this point. "...we're downtown... we're all dressed up... it might just be what I'm hoping it is." And sure enough...

...We saw Wicked! I felt like a giddy child sitting in those seats up in the back of the theater. I've been wanting to see this play for EVER, and it was finally happening. (Was that dramatic enough?) I have been listening to the soundtrack for a few years, but seeing the real thing blew the CD out of the water. Or should I say it defied gravity? {ha!} 

Thanks again husband. It was a fantastic night out on the town.


Becky Foster said...

Oh WOW, what an incredibly AMAZING date! Good job Russ!! Wicked is the best, and I'm so glad that you finally got to see it!!

Megan Barrick said...

Good job Russell! Brandon says you better cut it out or at least share your ideas.

Reeve family said...

What a fun date! Go Russ!

Anonymous said...

aww what a nice husband! how fun. i want to see wicked again!!

you looked great in your cute outfit, too :)

Amanda Jones said...

what a cute husband you have.. and tricky too! I am glad you finally got to see wicked... isn't it AMAZING! love your new clothes too!

Angela Joy said...

Russ did it again! You look fabulous in the dress--it's darling. I need a full view picture with the shoes though. Glad you got to see the show. . . I know you've been waiting a long time.

Natalie said...

What?!?! You look so pretty in that dress! I had no idea he was even planning to do this! Turns out he could possibly still be the best secret keeper in our family.

Marcella said...

I was waiting for this post! YAY! I must say I am SO IMPRESSED with Russ. You look fantastic and are SO LUCKY to get a new outfit and get to see a WONDERFUL show! I bet that was quite the surprise! You guys are wonderful valentines for each other. :)

Caitlin said...

wow, way to go Russ! Super impressive!

layne said...

mamma mia. I'm so happy for you! You're so beautiful by the way!

B said...

Yeah - once again this confirms it: I'm pretty sure Russ makes other husbands feel. You're sure lucky.