A Green Table

Sunday, August 12, 2012

As much as I love a good shopping trip as the next girl, I would never consider myself a major shopper. However, a few days ago my sister and I met up a few times and had a good, healthy dose of retail therapy. Ok guys, this works sometimes. I hate to admit it. Sometimes you feel like life just is NOT working out. A lot of things you normally do to make you feel better just aren't cutting it. Enter retail therapy {and queue sigh of relief}. 

Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But really, my sister and I both picked up some fun things on a much-needed-sister-time shopping trip on a particularly crappy day. One of these random things I picked up was a bright green table. Necessity? No. Awesome? Yes.

We were at TJ Maxx and I pointed it out, and then just set it back down saying I didn't really need it or something (which I didn't). And then my sister, being the wise person she is, promptly changed my mind by saying it is only $20 and it is totally awesome. It's the perfect punch of color that my porch needed. I look out my front window and it makes me smile.

And sometimes, especially lately it seems, if a green table will do the job then so be it.


rach said...

OK-that is the cutest side table ever. Nothing wrong with retail therapy--if it works, then why not?

Andi Fitz said...

I love it. Glad you got it. :)

Laura L Giddens said...

Great purchase! I have more recently turned to shopping instead of food for therapy. I'm thinner but also poorer :)

stu said...

Laura - you crack me up! The table looks great. I will retail therapy with you any day. Love you.

stu said...

Obviously this is B - as we know stu would never shop...under any circumstance.

Rachel and Jason said...

Darling. P.S. I have that same fabric for one of my accent pillows on my bed :) I mean...me and Jason's bed. Ha, ha. Glad you found a deep breath in the simple.