A Necessary Update on Life and Such

Monday, October 6, 2014

Thanks for all of the nice comments regarding my last post. It's really helpful to just get some of those "real" thoughts out into the world, and I know I always appreciate hearing that fellow moms have rough times here and there. 

With that said, these last few months have been so busy! I thought it was high time that I did a general update of what's been goin' on! And here begins a picture overload:

Splash pads are a hit with these babes. I will be sad when the cold weather comes and I can't just sit my babies in puddles and let them splash around to their hearts' content. :)

Bucket seat swings. It really is the simple things in life.

We have gone on a few small hikes. One thing we love about living in Utah is how close we are to the mountains! We were at this particular trailhead in about 15 minutes. Max and Clara loved the waterfall and river!

We have been to a lot of concerts this last month or so! We saw Elton John with my family (always amazing), Blake Shelton with Russ's siblings (not as good, sadly. We left early actually!), and last week we went to a free Fictionist/Neon Trees concert. It was amazing.

Watching Fictionist. I really love concerts. And Russ. :)

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been running a lot lately and am actually doing a half marathon in a few weeks. I love how running gets me outside and let's me see sights such as this. God has created such a beautiful world!

I got to reconnect with some of my really good friends from college! It's so fun to see all of us with babies running around (and on the way! Both girls on the ends were pregnant in this picture. So many babies!)

Meal times take up so much of my day. Three times a day we are sitting at these high chairs, sometimes for over an hour at a time. I would be lying if I said it didn't get tedious at times, but I know this is just a phase! Max is particularly picky and painstakingly slow, but he makes for some great pictures. :) He will refuse so many foods, and than randomly love tomato basil soup? 

This slide is in our neighborhood and is meant for twins, obviously! ;)

We still love bath time. It's pretty great.

This last weekend we watched general conference for our church. It is always so inspiring and makes me want to me a better person. And plus, I love the excuse it provides to be lazy and lay around all weekend as a family. 

This picture was also during general conference. These babies sure love their daddy. Moments like this make my heart feel like they are going to burst!


Angela Joy said...

So many cute pictures! Just love you all very much. So happy I can be around to share your life.

Paula said...

Max got seriously into the soup! Did you take him straight to the tub to wash the remains off? He looks so happy! Love, love the last pic was Clara on Russ's tummy ...precious!

Unknown said...

Ah Max with the Zebra!! Yay. And you are so pretty. I love the picture of you and Russ at the Fictionist concert, so beautiful Millers!!
And Max! Eat for momma. You have to eat to get to 7 feet to be the BYU center!