A week at the Lake

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Alright, alright. This is the last of our summer "travelogue." 

But you get it - these family trips just need to get documented. It's been a fun summer with lots of family, and time at the lake, which is as I've said my happy place! I love it so much. McCall, Idaho is one of the most beautiful lake towns ever. Lots of evergreen trees and lake vibes. It was a great week.

Benny and Lucy jumping off the boat! This picture just screams "CHILDHOOD"!!!

Clara is so lucky to have such a doting older cousin. Lucy was so sweet to Clara.

Not a bad life, Mr. Max.

Our cousin Milly running down the deck!

The toddler gang.

My niece Fran has the best rolls EVER. I'm obsessed with her!

Cute Lucy in her flower/braided crown in front of one of the gorgeous sunsets we witnessed

Clara and her hat. They are best friends.

"born together, friends forever"

Family Pictures in San Diego

Monday, August 3, 2015

When we were in San Diego, Russ's super talented cousin Amanda took some family photos of Russ's side of the family. It was a fun, crazy photo shoot with lots of moving parts, but luckily we were able to get a handful of good shots. Thanks again Amanda!

She was obsessed with the ocean!

I love, love love this picture of Max. 

I love this shot of Max and his Grandpa Randal. He loves his grandpa so much!!

The whole group!

Russ and his siblings!

My babies! Love them more than words can express.