Family Pictures!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

I am quickly learning that family pictures are a total crapshoot. How will they go!? Who knows! The babies have good naps? Doesn't matter. They are happy 5 seconds before the shoot starts? Oh well. Somehow we have managed to always get one "decent" shot, but it's still totally hit or miss. 

This photo shoot went about as expected - Clara cried for a lot of the time, but like I mentioned, we still managed to get some good shots (to the credit of the photographer, no doubt! Katie Perkes did an awesome job). We did this photo shoot with my side of the family. When I look through these pictures I am reminded, once again, how incredibly blessed I am to not only have my own little family, but to come from an amazing family full of love and laughter. I love these people so much!!

And I must mention the cool location! This photo shoot was already a reschedule due to a crazy windstorm a few weeks prior. And then, wouldn't you know it, the day of our reschedule had bitter cold temperatures! Luckily my sister knew of this awesome abandoned warehouse in Spanish Fork. It had the best light!

Our family has grown!

My parents and their grandbabies (aka the reason they moved from Spokane to Utah this past summer :)). This was just as Clara brought some real tears. haha!

Must. Distract. Keep. Moving. 

Aaaaaand a smile! I love my curly-haired girl.

Max is Mr. Cheese. We can always count on him. :) He warms my heart.

Checking out the scene with Grandpa!

The fab 5. 

I feel so lucky to have the best siblings. I love these two people so much.

 Life sure is good!


Jessy Carlisle said...

These pictures are awesome! And I love your little family. Those babies kill me. And you, don't even get me started. How did you birth 2 babies out of that tiny hot body? You are awesome.

-Kara Ann. said...

you all are the best. sure love this family.

also- your boots are soooo cute. i've been dying for some ankle boots. where'd you get yours?

Megan said...

You all are so great! Definitely blessed! Merry Christmas! :)

Rachel and Jason said...

Too cute, Mill! Love them all.

Alese said...

Can you tell me more information about this warehouse? Where it is and how to get permission to go there? I would greatly appreciate it!! Email: