Double the One, Double the Fun!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Before it's no longer October I better document the fact that my two sweet babies turned ONE on October 15th! I cannot believe that I have two 1 year-olds. Actually, wait, let me take that back. I can believe it because life has suddenly hit a whole new level of craziness. My day is consumed by cleaning up messes all over the house, chasing babies and keeping them from dirt or rocks or anything else they can get their hands on. But it's also consumed by double the giggles, smiles and cuddles. I really feel so grateful for Max and Clara.

A lot of people have asked me if this year has gone by fast - the answer to that is mostly "no." :) This has been, by far, the hardest and longest year of my life. We have been beyond exhausted for over 365 days, and I know that exhaustion probably won't really go away. We have had a lot of loooooong nights and early mornings. But it does seem crazy that my two itsy bitsy babies are now huge 1 year olds! I say "huge" because, really, they are big babies. 

Max at 1 year:
Weight - 24 lb, 87%
Height - 32.3 in, 99%
Head - 49 cm, 98%

Clara at 1 year:
Weight - 22 lb 4 oz, 83%
Height - 30.5 in, 90%
Head - 47 cm, 93%

We celebrated a few days after their birthday with some family and friends. It was a fun little party in our backyard. Max and Clara are so loved!

Toys are obviously meant to be eaten.

The highly anticipated "double cake smash" didn't really go down how I would have hoped. Both Max and Clara kind of just poked the cakes. It may have been that they were just so distracted by all the people staring at them. Silly babies. If only they knew!

Pom-poms and confetti!

I love my little family of four! 


Megan said...

They are too cute!

Jessy Carlisle said...

Way to go for keeping not 1 but 2 babies alive for a year!! And the party looks adorable, of course.

And I love the last picture... your family is darling, but I was literally laughing out loud because Clara looks a little wasted.

Angela Joy said...

A whirlwind year for sure. Max and Clara are amazing little people who have the good fortune of having you guys as parents! Kind of excited to see what this next year brings. Love my peeps.

Rachel and Jason said...

Cute. Cute. And cute. Nice work, momma, on SO many levels! Xoxo

Unknown said...

i love that clara is waving in the picture. so cute.
such a fun party. how could M&C not be loved, they are your babies!