A Tropical Christmas

Monday, January 20, 2014

If I'm still within a month of the holiday, it's not too late to post about, is it?

This year my side of the family planned a trip to the Florida Keys for the week of Christmas. Coming from a place that usually has a white Christmas, we weren't quite sure what to make of it. Luckily it turns out that Christmas is just as magical in a tropical place! It was a bit crazy and hectic traveling across the country with 2 1/2 month-old twins, but I think I would have done just about anything for a change of scenery. After 3 weeks of bed rest and a few months of staying cooped up inside, I needed to get out. The weather was perfect and the company was even better. All in all, I quite enjoyed our tropical Christmas!

Max and Clara just looooooved relaxing on the dock :)

Christmas morning. I love this picture because it summarizes our crazy life and how crazy and disheveled we feel these days. And by disheveled I mostly mean exhausted.

Our Santa babies (Clara got her first doll for Christmas!)

We went for a quick outing on Christmas afternoon. It was windy as heck, but it sure was pretty.

Mister smiles! I just love that face.

The house we rented had some kayaks. Russ loved it.

We drove down to Key Largo (the most southern point of the United States) and watched the sunset. It was gorgeous!

This picture is too funny not to post. Walking through Key West.

My little family at the beach. 

The view from our deck

A snapshot in what our crazy crew looked like on the plane. Needless to say, whoever had to sit by us was less than thrilled. :)


Angela Joy said...

So much fun! These are all great pictures. I love the last one. . . we were a scary bunch weren't we?

Rachel and Jason said...

I had to laugh out loud at least three times. I LOVE that pic of Russ on Christmas morning. So, so good. And Max in that last pic? I only see rolls. No offense, Max, I have them, too. But yours are way cuter! Thanks for bringing your cute family all the way up to the Idaho panhandle to see us. I'm glad to got to do so before we move to the middle of nowhere. Literally. Love you, dearest Mill Head!