The Sleeper Series

Friday, January 31, 2014

Max and Clara were wearing coordinating sleepers a few weeks ago, so of course I had to capitalize on the opportunity and get some pictures! I love them so much.

Max: Dad! You are so funny! Tell me more!
Clara:  Bring it on. We'll see if this makes me laugh.

Max: That guy with the poofy black hair is kind of weird...
Clara: Really, dad?

Max: He's pretty funny, I guess. I like him.
Clara: He's STILL going!

Max: Ok, this guy is AWESOME! I'm so glad he's my Dad.
Clara: ....

Max: HAHAHA!! 
Clara: Ok, ok, he's got skills!

Max: I could watch him all night long. Seriously, keep going!
Clara: I've lost interest. Is there some milk around these parts?

Both: Can we help you, Mom? 

Both: Ok, you make our food. We'll give you some cute puppy dog eyes. 

January Has Been Busy

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

At the beginning of January my little brother got married! It was such a happy, happy day. I love seeing Jace so happy, and it doesn't hurt that the girl he married is awesome. Seriously, I couldn't be happier to have Bella as my new sister-in-law. 

A few days after the wedding the twins and I hopped in the car with my parents for a Pacific Northwest getaway. I loved growing up in Spokane, WA and it's always good to go back. I don't know if I'll ever live in Washington again, but it will always hold a special place in my heart. Russ was able to come up for about a week as well. We ended the trip with a short stint in Seattle. These twins of ours are now pretty well traveled for being a measly 3 months, but dang, Russ and I were humbled big-time in Seattle. Two screaming babies in a foreign city is no fun. Needless to say, a lot of Saturday night was spent in the hotel. Sigh. Sunday we went to Bellevue and gorgeous Lake Washington where Russ's dad grew up. It was the perfect end to my two-week stay in Washington. 

* I also got to spend some time with Rachel, who is one of those friends - you know, the kind you've known forever and makes your heart feel so good to see again? Every time we see each other (which sadly is every few years), it's like we pick up where we left off. Love you, Rach!

** And now I am done with travelogues for a while. You're welcome.

A Tropical Christmas

Monday, January 20, 2014

If I'm still within a month of the holiday, it's not too late to post about, is it?

This year my side of the family planned a trip to the Florida Keys for the week of Christmas. Coming from a place that usually has a white Christmas, we weren't quite sure what to make of it. Luckily it turns out that Christmas is just as magical in a tropical place! It was a bit crazy and hectic traveling across the country with 2 1/2 month-old twins, but I think I would have done just about anything for a change of scenery. After 3 weeks of bed rest and a few months of staying cooped up inside, I needed to get out. The weather was perfect and the company was even better. All in all, I quite enjoyed our tropical Christmas!

Max and Clara just looooooved relaxing on the dock :)

Christmas morning. I love this picture because it summarizes our crazy life and how crazy and disheveled we feel these days. And by disheveled I mostly mean exhausted.

Our Santa babies (Clara got her first doll for Christmas!)

We went for a quick outing on Christmas afternoon. It was windy as heck, but it sure was pretty.

Mister smiles! I just love that face.

The house we rented had some kayaks. Russ loved it.

We drove down to Key Largo (the most southern point of the United States) and watched the sunset. It was gorgeous!

This picture is too funny not to post. Walking through Key West.

My little family at the beach. 

The view from our deck

A snapshot in what our crazy crew looked like on the plane. Needless to say, whoever had to sit by us was less than thrilled. :)

12 Weeks {enter something witty here}

Monday, January 13, 2014

My babies are 12 weeks and will be 3 months this week! WHAT?!?! My first instinct is to say "wow, where has the time gone?" And then I stop and think that these last 3 months are a weird mix of time going incredibly fast... and incredibly slow. I think I've decided the days (and especially nights) are slow, but the weeks and months are fast. I'm not sure if that even makes sense, but it does in my mind.

I constantly battle with myself whether I am loving that they are growing older or that I am sad about it. I think the general consensus is that each new day and week brings a new discovery, ability, or expression that makes my heart melt and brings so much excitement and happiness. And let's be honest, it has been hard. I mean really, really hard. I am more grateful for Max and Clara than I can ever explain, but that doesn't mean having two newborns is any easier because of it.

There have been days that feeding myself deserves a pat on the back. I still haven't really cooked a meal (and I don't think Kraft Mac N' Cheese counts). I have spilt a bag of breast milk twice now, and both times has brought me to tears. Whoever said "don't cry over spilled milk" never pumped exclusively for twins. Goodness. We are still struggling to get sleep, and hence walk around like mega zombies (and NO! twins don't just magically get on the same schedule, since I seem to be asked that almost daily). Anyway, the point is, it's been rough, but it's also been so, so beautiful and wonderful. Max and Clara are my world. I know the future isn't going to get easier per se, but I am pretty confident more sleep can only help. :)

I just love how as these little guys squirm and kick around their little feet turn up like that. It makes me smile.

2013, You Were Great.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2013 was a year of growth - physically (for me at least), literally (we doubled our family!), and figuratively. I learned so much about myself, I grew closer to my Heavenly Father and His plan for me, I learned patience and compassion, and most of all I learned that miracles are real.

The year started with heartbreak and sadness as we had just had a failed IVF cycle (of which we found out the results on Christmas day) and ended in complete joy with our perfect Max and Clara.

Truly, what a difference a year makes. 2014 we are ready for you! I can only imagine the fun, hard, exhausting, amazing times to come!

January - Russ and I did everything in our power to stay positive despite our heartbreak of a failed IVF. We also traveled to Oregon to pay tribute to my amazing Uncle John who passed away from brain cancer. We managed to squeeze in some fun with snowmobiling and other winter activities

February - IVF #2!! Call me determined or impatient, either way I wasn't going to be stopped. Onward and forward! 

March - We found out I was pregnant on March 1st and that we were having twins on March 22nd. What a month! Don't worry, we threw in some house projects, including Russ's handmade kitchen island.

April - My first belly picture! Also took a fun trip to Newport beach with my sister and her family.

May - Natalie was married! Such a beautiful day.

June - Russ and I took a fun trip to New York City to see the National at the Barclays center and do some sight-seeing. This trip was pretty darn exhausting (for being 5 months pregnant with twins), but also a ton of fun. We also found out we were having a boy and a girl (beyond thrilled)!

July - Getting HUGE. It was a hot summer, and I mean HOT. I became increasingly less mobile as these twins rapidly grew inside of me.

August - By far the biggest highlight was meeting and getting a picture with Dave Matthews (definitely a lifelong dream). Our island was officially finished. We also had a fantastic vacation at Trinity Lake with my family.

September - I could barely walk by this month. I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks and was sent to strict bed rest to keep these babies inside!

October - Maxwell John and Clara Evelyn came into this world on the 15th. Best day of my life. (We also finished our laundry room, but who cares about that).

November - Lots of snuggles and sleepless nights with our babies. Couldn't have asked for anything more. So incredibly thankful.

December - We blessed Max and Clara at our church at the beginning of the month and spent Christmas in the Florida Keys (post to come)!