Everything Is OK

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This is a phrase I've been reciting to myself for a few days now. It works, I promise. Sometimes in life I think we let a single isolated incident get the best of us. It bogs us down. We have blinders on and think the world is going to end if this incident is not solved to how we want it, and fast. 99% of the time life goes on, the problem will work itself out, you are not alone on an island, and really, everything is OK. 

This was a big week for Russ and I. As a lot of you out there know (assuming you are still out there, sometimes I doubt), we have been struggling with starting our family for almost 2 years now. I've mentioned this struggle only a few times on the blog. Sometimes I want to share more, but a lot of experiences and feelings are so personal and emotional I don't even know how to put it in words. But back to this week. We received the results from our third IUI (Intrauterine Insemination... aka Artificial Insemination) on Tuesday, and as you have probably assumed thus far, it was another disappointment. I cried. Hard. It was our last chance to get pregnant before moving on to the big, scary, intense IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) process. Luckily, the next morning we had a consultation with our doctor, who to my great relief, addressed every. single. one. of our questions and concerns. We left feeling at peace with progressing with IVF. Perhaps it's the idea of not sitting still and actually doing something that brings me comfort. Or perhaps it's just that this really is what we are supposed to be doing. But either way, I know somehow that everything will be OK.

And with that, I just want to thank all those who have been a support and will continue to support us through this process. Infertility is a tough trial, but we couldn't get through it without you.
image via


layne said...

You're in my prayers! You two are such a wonderful couple. I'm positive The Lord knows your needs and desires. Everything will be ok :) they always are.

Heather said...

I've been hoping and thinking of you guys. You guys are so great! You thoughts/title reminded me of great quotes I saw on pinterest. I know you believe this... http://pinterest.com/pin/9781324162042262/

Keep a goin!

tiffharston said...

Made me tear up. Thanks for sharing your faith and strength with us. You are a great example. My heart goes out to you in this difficult trial! But know you are awesome and loved.

Anonymous said...

camille i'm so sorry you guys are going through this. i'll be thinking about you. you are strong. love you!

Angela Joy said...

Amen. You guys are awesome. . . love you tons.

Candace said...

Praying for you guys! I love you and you're totally right that it will all work out.

Andi Fitz said...

You guys are in our prayers! I loved this post about everything will be OK. I'll keep that little phrase in my thoughts from now on. It's so true. It made me think of Elder Eyring's talk on Sunday morning. I loved that talk!

Elyse said...

Camille, I love you my dear! I think of you often and we pray for you literally every day. We are going to make this happen! You are amazingly resilient and I am so proud of you.

Unknown said...

Arg! and tears and frowny faces sent your way. Okay prayers will work better so we will continue to send those too...
Okay IVF do your thang!


Sara said...

I'm so sorry you've had to face this trial. I can only imagine how difficult it would be. Good luck with the next steps! Thinking and praying for you guys.

Jamie said...

Oh Camille, you have been on my mind ever since I read this post. I am so sorry to hear what you and Russ have been dealing with over the last 2 years. You are such a strong and positive person! And you're right, somehow and some way everything will be OK...just remember that every time sweet baby Grayson is in your arms! Lots of love and prayers from NC!!

Natalie said...

I am truly lucky to have such an amazing, optimistic, faithful example in my life. I will keep sending the prayers, you two are always in them. I love you Camille, your faith and example through this trial are inspiring and help others conquer their own trials.

Paula said...

You will be in our prayers! I love the neon sign you posted for this blog.

B said...

You got this...No big deal.

Love you lots.