For the last few months, Russ has been training so hard for the Idaho Spudman triathlon. The Spudman is an olympic length triathlon (1 mile swim, 26 mile bike, 6.2 mile run). Russ definitely doesn't mess around... especially for this being his first triathlon! Usually Russ is the supportive spouse on the sidelines cheering me on during a race, but I had a blast being on the other side. Not only was it nice not feeling completely exhausted and like I kind of want to just lay down on the side of the road :), but I loved seeing Russ achieve something he has worked so hard on. And he did amazing! He is one speedy athlete.
Russ before the race with his awesome orange swim cap.

The Spudman is one of the most organized and well-planned race I have ever seen! And believe me, I've seen some pretty poorly organized events. It's a huge race with around 1,600 people, but everything was totally seamless. And I was so happy that I even got to catch Russ at every transition point. He always flashed his classic Russ-smile.
We still don't know his official finish time -- the number below is not accurate as he was in the second wave. But either way, he did amazing. I keep asking him if he wants to another one now -- I still haven't gotten a definitive answer. :)
... all I can say is that hopefully he is up for another one, because next time I want to be out there with him! He totally inspired me. I'm so proud of my triathlete!