It's Friday! Hooray!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Can I just give a big shout out to the fact that it is almost, very nearly the weekend!?! Holy moly is that a welcome phrase! As I mentioned in the previous post, we had a glorious time in Kauai last week. But I think the vacation gods were playing a cruel joke on us because we were greeted with the most "real life" welcome home. Monday morning started with a text from my mom that Sheri had passed away, but I couldn't dwell on that too long as we had to rush off to an 8:00 am doctor's appointment to start working with a fertility doctor. Yup. Super overwhelming/scary/frustrating doctor's appointment to have to attend. Sigh. Oh and then work, don't even get me started. I wish the work fairies would continue getting stuff done while I am away on vacation, but that does not happen. All week I have been playing catch up on top of an already crazy/hectic week in the office. Sigh number two. And then I have a race tomorrow morning -- a half marathon to be exact. Let's just say my goal is to cross the finish line, as this training did not really go as planned. Sigh number three. And one other thing that has taken my time this week -- but luckily has been a lot of fun -- is planning my sister's baby shower! Oh, have I looked forward to this day for years upon years (in case you do not know my amazing sister, she is pregnant with her first baby after 4 years of struggling with infertility. Happy day!). The shower is tonight and I am sooo excited for a happy party! We could all use one, that's for sure!

Sorry for the rant. I'm just really, really, REALLY happy it's Friday. :)


Reeve family said...

That's awesome you guys went to Kauai! That's where we went on our honeymoon 6 years ago. Good luck on your race tomorrow!

Brianne said...

I LOVE weekends. Your Kauai pictures are amazing. I'm really sorry for the loss of Sheri. That would be so hard to lose someone so close to you.

Amanda Jones said...

I am glad it's Friday too! I can relate on a lot of levels. I'm really sorry to hear about Sheri and know her and her family are really important to you. I hope your appointment was okay- those have to be some of the most frustrating appointments. If you need to vent call me!

Sara said...

I am so sorry it has been such a rough week. I'm sorry that you are going through fertility troubles. I was sad to see that Sheri had passed away. What a hard hard week, but I sure am glad it ended on a couple of high notes with the baby shower and your race. (I am sure the race went well knowing you.)

Jessy Carlisle said...

Love you girlfriend...hope everything goes well at all of the above.