New Horizons

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hello Blog world.
This is Russ.

I have come back.

With a major announcement.

I have a new employer.
Camille and I will be returning to Utah as I begin my new job with Adobe Systems in the Salt Lake Valley. I will be working as a Test & Target Consultant. We will be moving next month and I will be starting my new job this month. We are very excited to move closer to family and start a new career. We will miss all of the friends we have made here in San Antonio. It has been a great experience being a Texan and working at E&Y.

And yes that is a double rainbow.

all the way.


Natalie said...

Yes! Your second big grown up move. This is the best news. But since you waited to anounce it around April Fool's day, I am starting to wonder if this is a joke and I have been the biggest fool this whole time. This better be real. I feel betrayed.

Angela Joy said...

Dad says you guys should buy a duplex and we will move there and be your neighbors! He can't wait! (And sadly, that is a lame April's Fool Joke. . . not that he wouldn't want to be your neighbor, just that he wants to move to Utah. . . we'll see. . . maybe someday.) I'm sure going to be visiting a whole lot though! Yea! All my kids in one state. . . so awesome!

Unknown said...


rach said...

Sweet swirling onion rings!!!!!!

kemp-y-QUA!! said...

duuude, double rainbow. ohhhhh. whoaaaa. double rainbow.

good luck guys!!

Becky Foster said...

Wha!!!?? Wow. Well normally I'd be super duper sad, but since we're moving too I guess I'm happy for you guys. I'd love to move closer to fam. We better have another hoorah before we part!!!!

Reeve family said...

We will really miss you guys, but are happy for you both since we know you don't love your job or the weather here. We need to hang out before you all move. Who is renting the house you guys are in?

Rachel said...

sounds like an awesome opportunity for you guys! i know from several employees that omniture/adobe is super solid - and how fun to be back in utah - congrats!!

emily said...

this post makes me very happy!!

B said...


Barbecues and parties are already being planned.

Randal&Argelia said...

I am glad you guys are coming to Utah. We need LDS families who have experienced life outside Utah to bring some much needed balance.
Adobe is within Utah county and just south of point of the mountain which makes it within Utah valley not Salt Lake valley. Love, Dad

Kat said...

I'm so sad that we never took advantage of being in the same state. ::sigh::

But congrats! That's exciting and I know you two will be glad to be closer to family (I am grateful every day mine are only 3 hours away!).

Becca said...

wow! awesome. hooray for utah.