Holy moly, I felt like this week would never end. But it's Friday afternoon, and the weekend is knocking on my door. What do I have planned, you ask? NOTHING. And I couldn't be happier. Oh I'm sure we will fill it up with errands here and there, but it is so refreshing to have a weekend with nothing set in stone. I feel like life has been so incredibly packed with things lately that a weekend like this is just what the doctor ordered.
What else do I need from the doctor? Some serious pain medication. I had my first week of boot camp this week, and boy do my legs feel it. My work is paying for a 6 week boot camp for any of the employees that are crazy enough to join. Let's just say I found a few new muscles.
Modern Family is back. Amazing episode. If you haven't watched this show yet, start now. It's our very favorite show--I've never seen Russ laugh so hard. Plus, the more and more I watch this show, the more I am convinced it is a precursor to our life. We are Phil and Claire. The end.
Also, my "sister" Caitlin posted this on her blog today, and I felt slightly like a little child. Giddy with anticipation. Only two more months.
One more thing, can I please get some of this "fall weather" everyone keeps raving about? Mid 90's and sticky with humidity isn't fall to me. I'm serious, Texas, I'm getting sick of it. I want to wear an outfit like THIS and not die of suffocating heat.
Ok, I'm done rambling for now. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. We'll see ya on the flip side.
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