My Guilty Pleasure

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ok, a little ashamed to admit this, but I am kind of into slightly obsessed with the Bachelorette. Come on girls (and guys, there's no shame), who's with me?? Anyone? I know you're out there.

Anyway, I found this post today about the current status of Ali's quest for love. I couldn't agree more. And for those folks still in the dating scene, if anyone, and I repeat ANYONE tells you over and over again that they want to "guard and protect your heart," and then proceed to tattoo a heart being guarded by a shield on their wrist so as to literally "wear their heart on their sleeve", run away. Run far, far away.

Oh this will be a good season.


Marcella said...

NO WAY!!! You watch the Bachelorette!!! ME TOO! hahaha. Seriously I never watch the Bachelor but I randomly had kids in bed and Anthony was off at the church doing calling stuff and happened to catch the episode where Ali left the show for her job. When I heard she was the Bachelorette I was hooked and totally had to watch it! I LOVE IT!!! I wish she would have eliminated him without even seeing it! haha. Wouldn't that have been great! :)

Reeve family said...

haha, I couldn't agree more! Ali needs to send that guy home right now!!!

B said...

I saw that episode! I think I'm going to be hooked to this season now too. So funny... and so so wrong.

But I don't feel sorry for her. It's not like she can be that desperate. But there seem to be some nice, normal and good looking guys on there - hopefully she'll fine one.

Unknown said...

Millers...i totally watch this show. Now Dave watches it too. We do a pretty good Kasey impression of him singing...I'll sing for you some time. He is crazy...

i love you. can't wait for the girlfriend explosion next week. Predictions...Rated Ridiculous/retarded