It has taken a lot of thought, but I can say with 95% confidence that Chopin is my very favorite composer to play (there is a 5% uncertainty due to strong love for other composers... I don't want to leave them out of my favorites list, it's not fair to them). I have spent many, many, many an hour practicing some of Chopin's pieces, and so when my sweet husband told me we would be seeing this symphony I was oh-so-excited. They started the evening off with Brahms, then Chopin, and finished it with Cesar Franck.
During this last visit to the Majestic we got a pretty good laugh out of the water fountains. Maybe we were so entertained by these miniature fountains due to the early morning (5:30 am!) and long day of work (two words: tax season), but look at this picture and tell me it doesn't at least make you chuckle.
I love date night, and I love going out on the town and supporting the local arts. After the Chopin piece ended, I regret to admit that I had a really hard time keeping my eyes open. I tried so hard. Hopefully next time I can stay awake longer than the kind senior citizen sitting next to me.