Where did my independence go?

Monday, September 14, 2009

So before I dive into this incredibly fascinating post, I first just want to warn all you readers out there that you may be hearing from me a lot more than usual this week. Why, you ask? Well let me tell you. Russ left this morning on a 6:15 am flight to Dallas for a week of training. We are pretty excited his job has started, but then once I came home from dropping him off I thought, "now what." Needless to say my job hunt is still happening, so I literally have nothing to do. I mean, you can only clean so much right? It's 11:00 am and I have already written 5 letters, organized piles of stuff that needed to be organized, re-organized them, did the dishes, scrubbed down some surfaces, and gone through facebook a few times. Hmm... it's only Monday.

Enough of the pity party. It's kind of ironic how before Russ came into my life being alone and occupying the hours was no problem. Actually, I kind of liked it. You grow to be independent and thrive in that state of being. So does that mean I have grown to be... dependent? What a weird thought. Either way, I will miss him... a lot.

Anyway, things in the lone star state are going well. As mentioned above, Russ has started his job with Ernst & Young, which is great for many reasons--but mostly because we then will have some sort of income, which we have been lacking for a few months (so fun!). Last week he had a 2 day firm-wide training in Houston, and compliments of the firm, the Mrs. got to come along!

HOUSTON IS AWESOME. I really liked this city--the downtown is huge, the streets are wide and fairly clean, and the food is fantastic (which, as we all know, is the real defining factor of a city). The only picture I took is of Main Street, which is as follows:

Also, this must be noted. I made two friends yesterday. I felt like a little girl as I walked back to the car with Russ telling him about the two friends I made in church. Hey, one step at a time, my friends. One step at a time.


Kat said...

One may suggest that you could study for an exam. But why when you could enjoy doing NOTHING for an entire week?

Kat said...

Also, once I move to Texas, I suggest that we meet in Austin for good music fests on a regular basis.

Amanda Jones said...

I can relate to almost all you said! I spend my days while Chris is at school hopping between blogging, reading and computer stuff. hopefully a job will come up soon or friendships will get stronger so you can hang out with them!

Unknown said...

Camille, whilst going from Independent to Dependent, I just want you to know, our lives have never been more organized or as clean in our entire existence. Also, I got our whole dating and first year of marriage scrapbooked online and printed. I would put it on the coffee table if we owned one. So that's just an idea. I use Shutterfly, but am trying blurb for this years book, and the great thing is...my mom already knows what she is getting for Christmas! Score! Hahaha. Love you mealy, have fun while it lasts! I learned to cook even, I know right? I ruined my own domestic un-goddess reputation.

Megan Barrick said...

You are always welcome to come hang with me!