Lake Powell

Sunday, July 12, 2015

My family's favorite vacation is on a houseboat. We spent the last 4 summers at Trinity Lake in California, but since we are all Utah residents we decided to try out Lake Powell. These two lakes couldn't be more different, but both have their perks. We didn't get the glass water this year at Lake Powell, but we had beaches and Utah arches and bonfires! 

Either way, being on a boat is one of my favorite places to be. My family always makes such great memories with each other on the boat. There were 4 toddlers under the age of 3, yet we all made it out alive! ;) All in all, it was a success and we all had such a great time! 

And now for the photo overload...

The twins had their first bonfire. It was successful, except the twins did not get to touch the fire like they wanted.

My brother Jace and his wife Bella are a favorite amongst the kids. I mean, do you blame them?

This picture cracks me up. Clara has been terrified of men for a while. By the middle of the week Clara finally let Jace hold her and stayed "content" long enough for this picture, but that scowl!! Ha! However, by the end of the week she was flirting and smiling up a storm with him. Too bad they have now moved to Seattle. :( tears from us all. 

Max and his cousin Chandler having the time of their lives in the sand.

The best captain there ever was.

We "hiked" to Rainbow Bridge one day. It was amazing! Utah is rad.

Clara discovered cheetos. 

Max and his older cousin, Grayson. Buddies already!

The boat has this amazing ability to put babies to sleep. 

The scenery is pretty hard to beat.

Max was obsessed with the ramp that led in and out of the front door. That ramp and a few trucks occupied him for hours. I need a ramp in my house STAT. 

Clara's the only granddaughter on my side of the family (for now at least). Lucky girl!


"twinlove" hits again!

Take me back, please?!

And this was our sunset on the last night. 

Thanks Lake Powell for an awesome week. We will be back!

The Fourth.

I really loved the 4th of July this year.

 I just felt super grateful all day for our freedom, the country we live in, the many amenities we take for granted, the beauty of my surroundings, all of it. I loved spending the day with my little family, and feel even more grateful that I was able to see both sides of our family in the same day. I know this is rare, and I cherish it. 

We started the day at the reservoir that is only 10 minutes away.
After naps we went to a park and then had a bbq with Russ's family.
We came home, put the youngins' to bed, and my family came over for a fun fireworks session in my very own neighborhood. Russ, me, Jace and Bella rode along the trail on our bikes in the dark and watched the fireworks explode overhead. It was magical. 

I love this country! God bless America!

U.S.S. Twindependence had it's successful maiden voyage that even put Max to sleep. 

We stopped at a park before dinner with Russ's family for some quick photos. I love these pictures, but I don't love the fact that Max's Contigo water bottle made it into every. single. one. Haha. Gotta love toddlers and the random objects they will not let go of at the most inopportune times!

I call this "twinlove." 

My little people!

"No you may NOT steal my water bottle, Clara!" 

Max is so incredibly patient with Clara ALWAYS being in his business. It's been this way since they were in my belly, and I'm guessing it will remain the same for life. She just has so much passion and excitement, and he is a calm and loving boy. It works out.