Summer is here, and it's going to be good.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

After a long morning of running errands with fussy babies, nap time is here and I should be productive and starting to pack for our road trip. Instead I'm choosing to procrastinate and update the blog with yet more pictures of my babies. 

Summer has hit in full force. I can already tell this summer is going to be so much fun, especially compared to last summer. I still had two small babies that couldn't do... well... anything. I'm loving that we are down to one nap and that Max and Clara love water, the park and the museum at Thanksgiving Point. I love being out with them and watching them experience the world. 

It seems lately that they are starting to play with each other a little better than they have in the past. When Max is sad Clara will bring his bear over to him, or when Clara is crying Max will bring her binkie and put it right in her mouth. Not every moment is idyllic, but I can tell they are little buddies. I love my babies.

This tether ball game was sooooooo intense. ;)

I love this cheesy boy's smile. He loves sliding down this tube on his belly. He chuckles every time.


This was Clara running to the playground with so much intensity and excitement she wiped out only seconds after the picture was taken and scraped her knee :(  She doesn't let life pass her by, that's for sure!

Clara found my longboard the other day and was in heaven scooting herself along the sidewalk.

Little boys in tank tops. My favorite.

Summer is here!

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