Finger Painting!

Friday, March 6, 2015

As Max and Clara get older I am learning that I need to find more ways to keep these crazies entertained! Obviously the colder weather doesn't help this endeavor as the chances to play outside are hit and miss. Today I got brave and attempted finger painting! Good thing that paint was washable AND non-toxic because it ended up all over their little bodies and in their mouths! Ha ha. It was a fun time, though, and we finished it up with a nice long bath! 

First craft time with my babes... check! 

They needed a little guidance on what to actually do with the paint. :)

Clara pretty much tried to eat it the whole time, and Max was just so fascinated with his hands. Oh they crack me up.

My curly Sue. 

I love that little face!

... and just in case Clara hadn't eaten enough paint, Max thought he'd help a sista' out!


Caroline McKell said...

I love that you spread out the butcher paper and let them have at it! These pictures are awesome and will be so fun to look back on, especially that last one!

Becky Foster said...

These photos are ABSOLUTELY adorable! And you're a good momma for doing finger painting. I've never had the courage. Oh, but those faces, and pictures definitely make the mess worth it!