We've had a busy and wonderful weekend of celebrating the Dads in our life. Without getting too mushy, I am so incredibly grateful for Russ and the amazing Dad he is to Max and Clara. I love watching him interact, take care of, and show his love for them. Watching Russ grow into the role of "Dad" has made me love him even more. He brings a smile to their little faces no one else can! It sure makes my heart melt.
Father's Day Sunday also happened to be Max and Clara's "8 month" birthday, so of course we had to attempt their monthly photo shoot. Unfortunately, Clara was not a huge fan of the grass. In fact, she pretty much cried the whole time. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. Either way, these babies are getting cuter by the day (if I do say so myself) and I am loving this 8 month stage! .... now only if we can make them good sleepers again. Yikes.
This was pretty much the best we got. :)
... because this was how most of the other pictures looked. Although I do love this one and how Max is reaching out to her while she is crying. Twin love. It's a real thing, people.
Since Max was obliging we had a little solo photo shoot with Mister Smiles. :)
.... And back to the Father's Day weekend post. Both of our Dad's birthdays are within a few days of Father's Day, so we usually celebrate both Dad's birthdays and Fathers day in one weekend! Whew! My family came over Friday night to honor my wonderful father. I love you, Dad! I couldn't ask for a better dad. You have taught me so much by word and example. And plus, you know how to have some serious fun! :)
(We were missing Jace and Bella who are up in Seattle for an internship)
Saturday we had a fun barbecue in the American Fork canyon along the gorgeous, raging river. Well, sadly no photos were taken. Darn. It was a wonderful afternoon spent in nature and honoring Russ's father. :)
Hope everyone else had a fantastic Father's Day! Aren't Dads the best?!?