This is Part II of the "Twin Series" pictures. You can find the first here.
Max and Clara: Here's your obligatory cute twin picture, Mom.
Max and Clara: Can we go back to our Baby Einstein jumper now?
Clara: You know, I'm actually having more fun here than I thought I would!
Clara: Max, let's be silly and tell secrets to each other!
Max: Mmmm... I'm not feeling it today. I'm kind of tired. Sorry sis.
Clara: Ok, that's cool. I'll just lick your arm instead!!
Clara: And now I'll go for your chunky leg! Mwaahahaha!
Clara: Mom, I just love my brother! Thanks for making him for me.
Max: Mom, I really do love her, but I kind of just want a nap.
Thanks for tuning in to Part II of the "Twin Series."
Disclaimer: Max was not feeling good today. I think I blame that evil thing called teething. He's not usually such a grump. :)