The Memorial Day Series

Sunday, May 25, 2014

This is Part II of the "Twin Series" pictures. You can find the first here

Max and Clara: Here's your obligatory cute twin picture, Mom. 

Max and Clara: Can we go back to our Baby Einstein jumper now? 

Clara: You know, I'm actually having more fun here than I thought I would!

Clara: Max, let's be silly and tell secrets to each other!
Max: Mmmm... I'm not feeling it today. I'm kind of tired. Sorry sis.

Clara: Ok, that's cool. I'll just lick your arm instead!!

Clara: And now I'll go for your chunky leg! Mwaahahaha!

Clara: Mom, I just love my brother! Thanks for making him for me.
Max: Mom, I really do love her, but I kind of just want a nap.

Thanks for tuning in to Part II of the "Twin Series." 
Disclaimer: Max was not feeling good today. I think I blame that evil thing called teething. He's not usually such a grump. :)

7 Months!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The babies are 7 months! I'm pretty sure they are getting cuter by the day, but I know I am biased. Both can roll over now (finally!), but sitting up is still hit or miss. Mostly a "miss," like today when I turned around for a second and Max toppled over for a nice, loud "thud" on his poor little big head. Oops. They are chunking out like crazy, but I looooove it. I can't get enough of those rolls and chubby cheeks. They love all fruits, and Max loves his peas. Bath time is still the funnest thing on the planet. Bedtime is 6:30, and the babies sure like it that way (probably as much as mom and dad!). Goodness,  we sure love our babies.

Max is wearing his "Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit" which really was magical. As soon as we put him in it he would smile. It's like he knew a good night's sleep was on its way. We have started transitioning out of it, however, since the warm weather makes for a sweaty little baby! :)

My mom is an incredible seamstress and has "whipped up" some fun coordinating outfits for the twins. I took a moment to capture these particular outfits and loved seeing their little personalities shine in these pictures.

She thinks it's so fun to topple over on her brother. 

I love this cheesy boy. 

 Capturing a Clara giggle on camera is like gold. I hit the jackpot this day!

Happy "Mother's" Day

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Today was my first "Mother's Day" as a mom. What a special day for so many reasons! I spent a lot of time reflecting on how much I love my two little people. As I rocked Clara to sleep I choked back tears of gratitude and love. Max and Clara are such a special gift from God. There were a few years where that label - "mom" - felt so unreachable. Now I am, and forever will be, a mom. We are only 7 months into this thing, and I can already say it's the hardest, toughest, most amazing and rewarding job I've ever had.

With that said, I have also spent a lot of time thinking about those who are not yet mothers and desire to be. For those in that position, Mother's Day can be a tough day. I know it was for me. I hated going to church where mothers were praised. It felt like salt in an open wound. If you are in this position and are reading this, just know I am thinking about you and understand the pain you may feel. Mother's Day should be re-labeled "Women's Day" to honor all women for the sacrifices we all make in so many different ways. 

I have also thought about the close family and friends whose sweet mothers have passed away. Nothing can replace that person that is your mom. What a beautiful promise that families can be together forever, and that they will see their angel mothers again. Happy Mother's Day to you. :)

Finally, I hope all women - mothers or not - felt loved and adored on this very special day. 

And how could I not close with that picture? Those faces melt me.