"You're Doing OK, Mom"

Friday, April 25, 2014

I think I saw this going around social media, but I never watched it. Until this morning.

I had just gotten Max down for his morning nap (after much resistance) and moved on to feeding Clara some pureed pears. Oh the joys of "solids." After she sneezed Pear bits all over my face and I was in the middle of trying to get the same spoonful in her mouth for the 4th time, this commercial came on in the background. I stopped my attempts for a second and watched.

And cried, of course.

Whew. That one played to my emotions. But seriously, sometimes I wonder what my babies think about me. Am I messing up? Do they get enough attention? (This really is something I've struggled with from the beginning with the whole "having two babies at once" thing). Do they know how much I love them? One time when voicing these thoughts to someone they said to me "don't worry, you are the only thing they know. If you mess up they have nothing to base it off of!" Ha. Thank goodness for that. 

Mothers really are amazing, huh? I've learned so much just in my 6 months of motherhood, one of which is how much I love my own Mom. It really does come full circle, doesn't it?

Anyway, this is all just a bit of rambling on this Friday afternoon. Pull out some tissues. This is good.

6 Months!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My babies are 6 months old now! It's amazing. I love them more than I ever thought possible.

In preparation for twins, I frequently heard "if you can make it through the first year of life, you are good to go!" or something to that effect. So, I guess I can give myself a pat on the back and let out a big sigh of relief. It really has been a blur. Those first 3-4 months of life were a bit touch and go at times (i.e. extremely hard), and then around 5 months I felt like I was coming up for air a bit. And now at 6 months, albeit still hard at times, the days are so much more manageable. Naps are starting to form (hallelujah!), they are more content entertaining themselves for longer periods so I can actually attend to one without the other just screaming or crying on the side, and they go to bed at 6 or 6:30, which gives us a good 3 or 4 hours to ourselves. NO, they still don't automatically have the same napping schedule, which usually means I don't get a break all day, but like I said, that is so much more doable knowing after 6:30 I can have a moment to myself. 

Technicalities aside, sometimes I feel like my heart is ready to explode with two little perfect babies smiling up at me and coo'ing to their hearts content. I love having two babies, and now I really can't imagine it any other way!

At their 6 month check-ups, Max was 18 lb 11 oz and Clara was 17 lb 4 oz, both in the 70% for weight, 90% for height, and Max was literally off the charts for head circumference. :) Haha. Sorry kid, you had to see that coming with the gene pool you were coming from. 

Max's smile can light up a room. He is such a jolly baby! Now that their personalities are really starting to shine through, I have a hunch he is going to be a little quirky, funny boy. The facial expressions he throws my way crack me up. Sometimes he just starts dancing/shaking back and forth while laying on the ground in complete silence. He has the music in his head. :) He has also been a great eater with solids! Thank goodness, because I sure am not loving this new process.

And then how does that face not melt your heart?! This picture may be my favorite of Clara. She has these big puppy dog eyes and chubby cheeks that pretty much have Russ and I wrapped around her little finger. She is such a good sleeper, loves to hang upside down and giggle, and of course, play with her toes all day long. She is a really content and easy baby, but is also ready to be on the move! She is always wanting to check out her surroundings and sit up. Max, on the other hand, is pretty content just chilling. :)

So there you go. 6 months down, eternity to go!

The Master Bedroom

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I have been updating our master bedroom over the last year or so, and I feel like it is finally complete. That word, complete, is one Russ anticipates hearing with every room in our house. I'm sure I'll update it over the years or so, but for now, it is complete. (see what I did there?) :)

It's interesting because it's not like I started thinking "hmmm, I want to decorate the master bedroom." Everything somehow has just come together slowly over the last 4 1/2 year of our marriage. It's slightly miraculous that it works. 

My Christmas present was a new bed. I have talked about the "Colette Bed" from Crate & Barrel for years, so imagine my shock and surprise when Russ actually surprised me with it! We had an Ikea wood frame bed, which we both pretty much hated. I enjoy sitting up and reading in bed, which was super uncomfortable, but now I could hang out here all day. And sometimes the babies and I do! Haha. 

The pillows are from Caitlin Wilson Textiles that I bought second-hand from a friend of a friend. (Unfortunately that color is no longer available). The duvet and sheets are from West Elm. After years of hunting them down, I finally found the sheets at Downeast Home, a local discount home store. 

The starburst mirror is from Target. It replaced a homemade shelf we had made years ago. That link also shows the Ikea bed and our hand-me-down bedside tables before they were painted white. Because people have asked, our walls are painted Cliffside Grey by Benjamin Moore. It's the perfect GREY - not warm, not cool, just grey. I love it. 

Another reason I have always loved our room is the view. We sure love that river and those mountains.
The clear lamps, lamp shades and frame are also from Target. Oh Target, you suck so much of my money.

One update that I actually really love are the DIY curtain rods. I applied some gold rub n' buff to cheap $7 Ikea curtain rods using this method. I wanted them to match the mirror and was pleasantly surprised by how much I love them. The curtains are from - you guessed it - Target, that I picked up on clearance almost 2 years ago.  

And finally, I put the pictures and art that used to be above our bed in a cascading pattern around our sitting chair. It was nice that I didn't have to buy a single piece of art or frame! I did, however, apply some more rub n' buff to that bottom frame to tie it in with the curtain rod. The sitting chair is actually a dining chair we had bought from World Market about a year ago. It ended up being too big for our table and we put in our room to put shoes on, etc. 

So that's our master bedroom. I really have loved all of the updates we've made. It's such a peaceful and calming space to call our own!

Recently (A Photo Overload)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

It's been a busy last few weeks with big (and little) events that are worthy of noting on this here blog. Most importantly, my older sister, Brittney, had her baby! We were all so overjoyed to welcome her second boy, Chandler, into the world. He is perfect in every way. I was lucky enough to be able to watch the birth. I'm so grateful for that incredible experience to be in the room as a perfect child of God came into the world. And luckily, it was a routine delivery - which we were all so relieved about. Congratulations, Brittney! 

Max and Clara are getting so big! They are about 5 1/2 months right now and I feel like we are entering a whole new world of baby-dom with introducing solids, experiencing new toys, almost rolling over and sitting up. But I can honestly say each new phase has been so fun. We love how smiley and interactive they are now - I feel like I have two little buddies hanging out with me all day! 

I also love how they are totally aware of each other. They hold hands, touch each other, smile and coo and almost roll on top of each other all the time. I can already see the "twin love" I have heard so much about forming. It melts my heart. 

I am wanting to capture the sounds, smells, and little moments that make up our days. Time is flying so fast! I loved when I walked into our room and caught Russ reading the "Twin to Twin" book to our twins. :)

I feel like each week a new personality trait or ability starts to shine. Some moments are capture below:

Clockwise from top left:
* Both have become so vocal - Max will just lay on the floor and happily "yell." He just likes to be heard. Don't we all, Max. 
* We have started using the Johnny Jumper (or whatever it is called) and a Baby Einstein exersaucer. Right now both Max and Clara can only last about 10 minutes in each thing, but I anticipate when they are entertained for a little longer. :)
Their little personalities are really starting to shine. Max loves his teddy bear and must have it with him when he sleeps day or night.
* One day I unknowingly dressed myself like Max. From what I hear, this is something that happens often with mothers and their children.
* Clara is like a little monkey and is always holding her little feet.