
Monday, December 2, 2013

Yesterday was Max and Clara's blessing day, which was the perfect end to this Thanksgiving weekend. My heart is so full of gratitude! As we sat in church yesterday and blessed these perfect, pure little people I couldn't have been more grateful for this long road we have been on to get them here. Trials truly are a blessing, which is usually easier to realize after the fact. :) Everything happens for a reason, and I am grateful someone else is in control, as much as I try to fight it. 

I love my little twins more than anything in the world - I feel as though my heart has been split in three! These are my people, and I love them so, so much.

Clara wore a special Lewis family heirloom. It is a christening dress that has been in the family for about 150 years. It's absolutely gorgeous and so very delicate. She looked beautiful. 

Max was able to wear the same shoes my Dad was blessed in 55 years ago. He wore my brother's blessing outfit as well. I loved how both of them were able to pay tribute to different sides of each family. 

A lot of our family and close friends were able to help celebrate Max and Clara and were present for the blessing. Thank you to everyone who made the effort to come - it really meant a lot! We were also incredibly lucky to have gorgeous weather for December 1st in Utah. Who would have thought we could hang out on our patio at this time of year?! All in all it was a very special day and perfect end to a weekend full of "Thanks"!


Julie said...

Oh my goodness they are beyond adorable in their special blessing outfits. I am totally going to steal the idea from your dad'd shoes if I have another boy. Love it.

Reeve family said...

What a beautiful day for your family!

Angela Joy said...

So, so blessed! Thanks for all your beautiful thoughts. I agree completely. Love my family!!

rach said...

Your babies look like dolls, Camille. Dolls. I love your posts...they just fill me with joy.