Well this weekend sure isn't turning out how I thought it would. I had plans to play Bunco with my friends (yes, I play Bunco and love it), show up to my hair appointment with unbelievable excitement (we all know getting your hair done is the best feeling, right?), and attending a football-watching party for the BYU vs UofU rivalry game tonight. All fun and exciting things.
Well, my main new goal for this weekend is this:
It all started at my routine appointment where I get strapped to all sorts of monitors as they watch the baby's heartbeats and check to see if there is any contracting. Well there was, which was a bit of a surprise to me. If I had been contracting, it hadn't been painful or regular enough for me to notice. They then took a "fetal fibronectin" test to check whether or not my body was producing a protein that can indicate preterm labor. They sent me home to lay on the couch until I heard my test result.
At about 4:30 pm they told me to head straight to labor & delivery because all signs were pointing to preterm labor. I have to admit, after this call I was scared and emotional (duh). Luckily Russ was home within 10 minutes and we headed out together. Thank goodness for Russ.
I was given a steroid shot last night, and will receive one more tonight. This is meant to help the babies' lungs get stronger at an accelerated rate in case they do in deed decide to come early. I have also been given some medicine every 4 hours that help relax the muscles and hopefully slow contractions. I will be here most likely till Monday morning so that I can have an ultrasound with the neonatalogist to check the babies' physical state (besides heart rates).
I woke up this morning feeling pretty crappy, I'm not going to lie. I was frustrated and discouraged as I watched contractions come across the screen every 2-5 minutes. It probably didn't help that I got a max of 4 hours of sleep and have cables coming off of me all over. I really want these babies to be healthy, and I'm going to try my best to keep them inside. I'm 33 weeks and 3 days, so luckily if they came today (which hopefully will not happen) they would be OK. We would have time in the NICU, but they would be OK.
When I am released I will be on strict bed rest. I'm trying my hardest to stay positive and optimistic. At least while I'm in the hospital I get huge meals brought to me, right?!? (how's that for looking on the bright side?) :)