Insta Update

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I thought it was high time I gave this blog a formal update. Unfortunately, I haven't been too good about taking real pictures, so hear I go with another Insta-Update. For those of you who follow me on Instagram, this will be a bit of a re-run. Here's to the sake of documenting!

From top to bottom, left to right:

*  Walking my cousins' dog, Rufus, in Eugene, OR when we visited for Uncle John's funeral. Rufus is, obviously, a huuuuuge dog. But I like him (which is really saying something).
*  An amazingly delicious banana bread recipe. Try it.
*  Birthday dinner for Russ at Pizzeria 712. Yum yum.
*  One of those wing-it-weeknight-meals I threw together that was a total hit. Love those nights.
*  Snowboarding at the one-and-only Snowbird Resort. Our happy place.
*  Being lucky enough to see my BFF Elyse and her ridiculously cute little girl, Isla, a few times this month. Lucky me!!
*  Do you not take random pictures after church? Oh, apparently we do.
*  One night we were bored and Russ finally let me straighten his hair for fun. I don't think we have laughed so hard in such a long time. Even looking at this picture now weirds me out!
*  I love my Bunco group in my neighborhood. Always a good time with the girls.
*  I went down to Provo to watch the Bachelor with Brittney one night. Seeing Grayson was an awesome perk, obviously.
*  Kraft Mac & Cheese is one of our favorite post-church lunches. Don't judge.
*  I downloaded a fish eye lens app. This was a result.
*  Making head-way on our island! Rockin' the headlamp, of course.
*  On the morning after Valentine's day, Russ ran this up to the bathroom while I was doing my hair. I really love McDonalds breakfasts (thanks to Dad), so he gave me a home-made version. It was better than the "real thing." Love that man.
*  Valentine's celebration started at Black Sheep cafe in Provo, which has probably become our favorite restaurant in Utah Valley. We then headed up to Midway for a night stay at the Zermatt Resort. Everyone needs a little getaway from reality once and a while, right?

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