Insta Update

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm home sick from work for the second day in a row. As much as I love being lazy and laying around all day, part of me has a hard time doing that because I feel like I'm wasting valuable time to be productive! REST AND RELAX CAMILLE. You can do it.

Whew. Ok, anyway. I thought it time I actually did a little bit of an update on life, and since I have no other picture besides instagram photos, you lucky folks get another insta-update!

From top left:

- We went to the Utah State fair with Andrew and Elyse. We rode some silly fair rides and devoured my first funnel cake ever. (can you believe that?? I've finally lived!)
- Rocking out to Fictionist at the Rooftop Concert Series. They did awesome.
- Obsessing over Grayson any chance I get.
- Seeing Head and the Heart for the second time with Russ and Jace. They are absolutely amazing performers!
- Receiving the cutest little note from one of my piano students. Sometimes while teaching piano you feel like you aren't getting anywhere, and then there are those few lessons here and there where "it's all worth it."
- Fall leaves in Utah. I love the changing of the seasons.
- Being at the University of Utah vs. BYU game. What an experience! BYU played horribly, which was sad, but it was also pretty hilarious watching the U fans rush the field at the wrong time -- twice. Oh rivalries. Such a silly thing.
- I took Lucy out on a date (McDonald's -- her choice -- and Trafalga family fun center). She was all smiles all night long.
- Going to the symphony at Abravanel Hall. It was a tribute night to Billy Joel. Quite simply awesome.


Unknown said...

I am sorry you're sick, but happy I got to read an update. :) Funnel cakes are why I will go to the fair and rodeos with France, just sayin. He knows it too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Camille! It was great to see you at Gentrie's on Saturday. I really wanted to talk to you about your IUI and see how that went! Keep me updated, I really wanna know thats all going for you guys.