They Sucked Me In.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Have you guys ever heard of Lands End Canvas? I'm probably the only one who hadn't, up until recently. It's another line of Lands End that has a little younger and more casual approach, yet still carries those classic looks that will never go out of style. You guys should totally check it out. I scored some awesome black pants that I kind of want to wear every day and a fun swim suit for uber cheap a while back. 

When I got my package that I was so eagerly awaiting, I also received a separate letter, hand-addressed to me! Oh, how I love getting mail that isn't another credit card offer. When I opened the envelope, however, I was a little surprised to read that it was from the Lands End Canvas customer service department and not some friend from years past. After close inspection, I determined that Nick at Lands End really wrote me a hand-written "Thank You" note for shopping with them. What?!? That kind of stuff happens?

Now that's what I call customer service.

Call me a sucker, but I will for sure be buying from them again.


Jessica Morgan said...

I guess I know what I am doing for the next hour...

Anonymous said...

WOW! that really is awesome! not just some generic printed thank you note. i haven't heard of it either...i'll have to check it out!

Kat said...

Wow! I didn't know about that! My parents have been shopping from Lands End for years! How have I missed the younger, hipper version? Brilliant!

Also, in honor of a recent post, I really do appreciate that they sent you a hand-written, real life thank-you note!