J'adore Paris!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our time in Paris was short, but very sweet. We stopped in Paris for like a day in between England and Spain. Since I have been a few times, I showed Russ the speed guide tour through the city of love. And you know? I think I did a pretty good job!

The Paris excursion started with a late night dinner after a long journey from London at a delicious pizza place. We probably sounded pretty ridiculous trying to translate the french menu, even with the little bit of French I remembered from high school. I thought about taking pictures of our fancy pizzas, but they disappeared waaaaaay too quickly.

We then literally ran to catch the last metro train from our rented flat to, none other, but the 
Eiffel Tower
It really was a magical time. We were running purely on adrenaline and endorphins.

We fell asleep as two happy travelers and woke up ready to get going. We started the day with the 
Notre Dame, an absolutely impressive cathedral in the heart of the city along the Sienne River. And no, the hunchback was nowhere to be found. Russ loved this cathedral, and I think he even said it was his favorite part of Paris. Me? Definitely the tour d'Eiffel. Or the food.

Every corner in Paris is picturesque. Too bad I'm not a pro photographer. Someday.
To the right you can see me trying to navigate the map looking as touristy as possible. The map worked... most of the time.

How cute is this street full of flowers? As you can see we ran into a little... a lot of rain in Paris. Rain or no rain, it was still beautiful.

The Louvre! Such an amazing building. 

The Paris Opera House! If you take Russ out of the picture, doesn't it look like a great ad for that car in the background? Yeah, I thought so.

The Arc de Triomphe! It took a few tries to get this picture without massive buses or swarms of cars flying by. The Champs de Elysee is an incredibly busy street. Anyway, again after looking like major tourists, we got a shot.

I tried taking Russ up to the Sacre Le Couere (an amazing chapel that overlooks Paris) and Mont-Martre (a quaint square that has the typical artists on the street surrounded by outdoor cafe's and everything French... and also near where my Grandma lived as a young teen), but once getting out of the metro we realized it was raining way too hard. Like rivers-flowing-down-the-street raining hard. 

So we ate instead.

We found an adorable cafe and ordered anything we sort of recognized and reveled in our last few hours in Paris. 

And then we literally ran to catch our train to Spain. And we made it... barely... again. 

Stay tuned -- Spain soon to come!

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